Covid map: Coronavirus cases, deaths, vaccinations by country

01 / 28 ,2021 World News

Coronavirus is still spreading around the world, with over 100 million confirmed cases and more than two million deaths across nearly 200 countries.

Graphic showing the latest global coronavirus statistics: 2.1m deaths, up by 17,000 in the latest 24-hour period, and 100.2m cases, up by 500,000 in the latest 24-hour period
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The countries with the highest number of confirmed cases are the US, India and Brazil and they are closely followed by a number of European countries.

But the virus has surged across the world and very few places have managed to avoid it.


The world
North America
Latin America & Caribbean
Middle East

Russia3,716,228 cases

Source: Johns Hopkins University, national public health agencies

Figures last updated 27 January 2021, 08:33 GMT

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In the table below, countries can be reordered by deaths, death rate and total cases. In the coloured bars on the right-hand side, countries in which cases have risen to more than 10,000 per day are those with black bars on the relevant date.

data in detail

Scroll table to see more data

*Deaths per 100,000 people

The world
North America
Latin America & Caribbean
Middle East
New Cases

US 423,280 129.4 25,337,565
Brazil 218,878 104.5 8,933,356
India 153,724 11.4 10,689,527
Mexico 152,016 120.5 1,788,905
UK 100,162 149.2 3,689,746
Italy 86,422 142.5 2,485,956
France 74,106 114.0 3,079,943
Russia 69,391 47.6 3,716,228
Iran 57,560 70.4 1,385,706
Spain 56,794 121.6 2,629,817
Germany 53,619 64.5 2,164,043
Colombia 52,128 105.0 2,041,352
Argentina 47,253 106.5 1,885,210
South Africa 41,797 72.3 1,423,578
Peru 40,107 125.4 1,107,239
Poland 35,665 94.0 1,482,722
Indonesia 28,468 10.6 1,012,350
Turkey 25,344 30.8 2,442,350
Ukraine 23,293 52.6 1,241,586
Belgium 20,879 181.8 696,642
Canada 18,981 51.2 761,697
Chile 18,023 96.2 706,500
Romania 17,938 92.0 715,438
Czech Republic 15,791 148.1 956,155
Ecuador 14,668 85.9 242,146
Netherlands 13,668 80.1 957,063
Iraq 13,010 33.9 615,380
Hungary 12,113 124.8 360,877
Pakistan 11,450 5.4 537,477
Sweden 11,247 112.8 556,289
Portugal 11,012 107.4 653,878
Philippines 10,386 9.7 516,166
Bolivia 10,105 89.0 205,208
Switzerland 9,204 108.0 515,483
Egypt 9,067 9.2 163,129
Bulgaria 8,916 126.4 216,416
Morocco 8,187 22.7 467,493
Bangladesh 8,055 5.0 532,916
Austria 7,515 84.5 407,140
Tunisia 6,370 55.1 200,662
Saudi Arabia 6,359 18.9 366,807
Greece 5,692 54.1 153,226
Guatemala 5,486 31.8 155,459
Japan 5,301 4.2 373,868
Panama 5,137 123.0 313,834
Croatia 4,882 117.5 229,502
China 4,809 0.3 99,541
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,621 139.0 120,532
Israel 4,513 53.8 617,168
Slovakia 4,260 78.1 238,617
Jordan 4,248 42.6 322,241
Serbia 3,924 56.2 387,206
Honduras 3,486 36.4 142,880
Slovenia 3,406 163.9 159,812
Moldova 3,381 83.4 156,972
Georgia 3,108 77.6 255,564
Azerbaijan 3,100 31.2 229,358
Myanmar 3,082 5.7 138,368
Ireland 3,066 63.6 189,851
Armenia 3,056 103.5 166,427
Kazakhstan 3,035 16.6 228,692
Algeria 2,871 6.8 106,097
North Macedonia 2,812 135.0 91,161
Lithuania 2,688 96.0 177,934
Paraguay 2,651 38.1 129,394
Costa Rica 2,567 51.3 191,345
Dominican Republic 2,564 24.1 206,305
Lebanon 2,477 36.1 285,754
Afghanistan 2,389 6.4 54,750
Ethiopia 2,075 1.9 134,569
Denmark 2,030 35.3 195,948
Nepal 2,017 7.2 270,092
Palestinian Territories 1,803 37.1 156,393
Libya 1,789 26.8 115,299
Kenya 1,750 3.4 100,193
Sudan 1,750 4.2 28,522
Belarus 1,668 17.6 239,482
El Salvador 1,589 24.7 53,479
Oman 1,524 31.6 133,407
Nigeria 1,522 0.8 124,299
Kosovo 1,466 79.4 58,399
Kyrgyzstan 1,405 22.3 84,175
South Korea 1,378 2.7 76,429
Albania 1,332 46.2 73,691
Venezuela 1,159 4.0 124,525
Latvia 1,126 58.4 61,924
Zimbabwe 1,103 7.6 32,004
Kuwait 957 23.1 162,282
Australia 909 3.7 28,786
Syria 895 5.3 13,762
United Arab Emirates 805 8.4 285,147
Montenegro 777 123.8 59,262
Malaysia 700 2.2 190,434
Zambia 672 3.9 47,622
DR Congo 661 0.8 22,048
Finland 655 11.9 43,120
Uzbekistan 621 1.9 78,510
Yemen 615 2.2 2,119
Senegal 592 3.7 25,127
Luxembourg 570 94.3 49,852
Norway 550 10.3 61,594
Malawi 540 3.0 20,830
Eswatini 517 45.5 14,830
Cameroon 462 1.8 29,617
Angola 462 1.5 19,553
Mauritania 418 9.5 16,460
Uruguay 401 11.6 38,680
Estonia 392 29.6 41,330
Ghana 372 1.2 62,135
Bahrain 370 23.6 100,689
Jamaica 339 11.6 15,153
Mozambique 329 1.1 34,055
Namibia 328 13.4 32,957
Mali 327 1.7 8,006
Uganda 318 0.7 39,261
Belize 293 76.5 11,788
Sri Lanka 288 1.4 59,922
Madagascar 279 1.1 18,743
Malta 255 58.1 16,999
Qatar 248 8.9 149,595
Haiti 243 2.2 11,286
Cuba 200 1.8 22,614
Cyprus 190 16.0 30,252
Rwanda 181 1.5 13,885
Bahamas 175 45.4 8,140
Guyana 172 22.1 7,346
Nicaragua 169 2.6 6,253
Guadeloupe 157 39.3 9,056
Niger 153 0.7 4,407
Suriname 150 26.0 8,174
Ivory Coast 147 0.6 27,237
Lesotho 146 6.9 8,047
Trinidad and Tobago 134 9.6 7,496
French Polynesia 131 47.2 17,961
Somalia 130 0.9 4,754
Cape Verde 129 23.7 13,619
Gambia 128 5.6 4,012
Botswana 124 5.5 20,658
Burkina Faso 118 0.6 10,157
Congo 117 2.2 7,887
Chad 116 0.7 3,225
Andorra 97 126.0 9,638
Tajikistan 90 1.0 13,308
Equatorial Guinea 86 6.6 5,454
Liberia 84 1.7 1,932
Guinea 82 0.7 14,379
Channel Islands 79 46.3 3,499
Sierra Leone 77 1.0 3,194
Comoros 77 9.3 2,425
French Guiana 76 26.9 15,702
Thailand 76 0.1 15,465
Togo 76 1.0 4,682
Gibraltar 69 204.7 4,024
Gabon 67 3.2 10,411
San Marino 65 192.4 2,915
South Sudan 64 0.6 3,788
Central African Republic 63 1.4 4,980
Djibouti 62 6.5 5,923
Mayotte 59 22.7 7,590
Aruba 57 53.9 6,768
Liechtenstein 52 137.1 2,455
Maldives 51 9.9 15,247
Benin 48 0.4 3,643
Réunion 45 5.1 9,843
Guinea-Bissau 45 2.4 2,532
Martinique 44 11.7 6,370
Vietnam 35 0.0 1,551
Singapore 29 0.5 59,366
Iceland 29 8.6 5,992
Saint Martin 27 72.5 1,767
New Zealand 25 0.5 2,295
Isle of Man 25 29.7 432
Tanzania 21 0.0 509
Curaçao 20 12.3 4,558
Sao Tome and Principe 17 8.1 1,210
Saint Lucia 13 7.1 921
Diamond Princess cruise ship 13 712
Bermuda 12 19.1 688
Barbados 10 3.5 1,401
Mauritius 10 0.8 568
Monaco 9 23.3 1,399
Papua New Guinea 9 0.1 850
Turks and Caicos Islands 8 21.2 1,312
Eritrea 7 0.2 1,970
Taiwan 7 0.0 890
Antigua and Barbuda 6 6.2 201
Seychelles 3 3.1 1,116
Brunei 3 0.7 176
Mongolia 2 0.1 1,667
Burundi 2 0.0 1,481
St Vincent and the Grenadines 2 1.8 746
Cayman Islands 2 3.1 383
Fiji 2 0.2 55
MS Zaandam cruise ship 2 9
Bhutan 1 0.1 856
Faroe Islands 1 2.1 654
Saint Barthelemy 1 10.2 300
Grenada 1 0.9 148
British Virgin Islands 1 3.4 114
Montserrat 1 20.0 13
Cambodia 0 0.0 460
Dominica 0 0.0 113
Timor-Leste 0 0.0 67
New Caledonia 0 0.0 44
Laos 0 0.0 44
Falkland Islands 0 0.0 41
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 0.0 37
Greenland 0 0.0 30
Vatican 0 0.0 27
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0 0.0 23
Solomon Islands 0 0.0 17
Anguilla 0 0.0 16
Marshall Islands 0 0.0 4
Samoa 0 0.0 2
Vanuatu 0 0.0 1
Micronesia 0 0.0 1

This information is regularly updated but may not reflect the latest totals for each country.

** The past data for new cases is a three day rolling average. Due to revisions in the number of cases, an average cannot be calculated for this date.

Source: Johns Hopkins University, national public health agencies and UN population data

Figures last updated: 27 January 2021, 08:33 GMT

Note: The map, table and animated bar chart in this page use a different source for figures for France and the UK from that used by Johns Hopkins University, which results in a slightly lower overall total. US figures do not include Puerto Rico, Guam or the US Virgin Islands.

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The true extent of the first outbreaks last year is unclear because limited testing meant most cases were not confirmed.

But tests are much more widely available in many countries now and the data shows a steep increase in the number of cases.

Chart showing how the number of global coronavirus cases has risen in recent months
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Official figures may also not fully reflect the true scale of deaths in many countries. Data on excess deaths, a measure of how many more people are dying than would be expected based on the previous few years, may give a better indication of the actual numbers in many cases.

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Who has vaccinated the most?

Several coronavirus vaccines have now been approved for use, either by individual countries or groups of countries, such as the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Of the 56 countries administering vaccines and publishing rollout data, 45 are high-income nations, 11 are middle-income and just one is low-income.

Map showing the number of vaccine doses administered per 100 people
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Some countries have secured more vaccine doses than their populations need, while other lower-income countries are relying on a global plan known as Covax, which is seeking to ensure everyone in the world has access to a vaccine.

WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said that the prospects for an equitable distribution of vaccines are at “serious risk”. He added: “The world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure.”

The map above, using figures collated by Our World in Data – a collaboration between Oxford University and an educational charity – shows the total number of doses given per 100 people, mostly first doses.

Chart showing the number of vaccine doses administered per 100 people in the 10 countries with most vaccinations
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The US (24 million) and China (15 million) have given the most doses overall, while the UK has administered more than seven million so far.

But when breaking the figures down by population, looking at doses administered per 100 people in the 10 countries giving the most vaccinations, Israel, the UAE and the UK top the list – as the chart above shows.

Most countries are prioritising the over-60s, health workers and people who are clinically vulnerable.

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Where are cases still rising?

As populations await vaccine roll-out, cases remain high across a number of regions of the world.

Chart showing cases by continent. Updated 22 Jan.
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Many countries in Europe have seen coronavirus cases peak in recent weeks amid renewed surges of the virus.

The UK and Spain have seen the highest numbers, with Russia and France not far behind.

Lockdown restrictions were tightened in many of the worst-affected countries recently, leading to a drop in cases in some places.

Chart showing the countries in Europe with the highest average number of cases in the last week
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North America

The US has recorded about 25 million cases and more than 420,000 deaths, the highest figures in the world.

Daily cases were at record levels in early January but they are now falling. More than 100,000 coronavirus patients are in hospital, but those numbers are dropping too.

Canada, which has a far lower death rate than the US, also experienced a winter surge but daily cases are also falling there now.

Chart showing US cases and deaths
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Asia was the centre of the initial outbreak that spread from China in early 2020, but the number of cases and deaths there has been lower than in Europe and North America.

The region saw a large rise in the number of cases last autumn, driven by a surge in infections in India, one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

India has seen more than 10 million confirmed cases, the second-highest in the world after the US, but the number of infections has fallen in recent months.

Other Asian countries, like Indonesia and Malaysia, are still trying to bring their current outbreaks under control.

Chart showing the countries in Asia with the highest average number of cases in the last week
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Middle East

Several countries in the Middle East have seen deadly coronavirus outbreaks over the past 12 months, with Iran, Iraq and Israel having seen the highest numbers.

All three countries appear to have now brought infections under control after recent surges – although the drop in cases has stalled in Iran.

Israel’s efforts have been helped by its vaccination programme, with nearly four million people in the country having now received a vaccine.

Chart showing the countries in the Middle East with the highest average number of cases in the last week
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Africa has recorded about 3.5 million cases, but the true extent of the pandemic in many African countries is not known as testing rates are low.

South Africa, with more than 1.4 million cases and nearly 42,000 deaths, is the worst affected country on the continent, according to official figures.

Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria and Kenya are the only other African countries to have recorded more than 100,000 cases.

Chart showing the countries in Africa with the highest average number of cases in the last week
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Latin America

In Latin America, there is concern about a new variant of the virus which is spreading rapidly in Brazil.

Brazil has nearly nine million confirmed cases and the world’s second highest death toll. It is currently in the middle of a second surge in infections.

Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru have all recorded more than one million cases and continue to see high numbers of daily confirmed cases.

Chart showing the countries in Latin America with the highest average number of cases in the last week
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Australia and New Zealand have been praised for their response to the pandemic, with both countries having seen comparatively few deaths.

In a sign of how effective their measures have been, both countries currently have a lower average number of cases than French Polynesia, a sprawling network of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Other islands in the region have tried to remain free of coronavirus but most have seen at least a few cases.

Chart showing the countries in Oceania with the highest average number of cases in the last week
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How did coronavirus spread?

Covid-19 was first detected in the city of Wuhan, China, in late 2019 but the outbreak spread quickly across the globe in the first months of 2020.

It was declared a global pandemic by the WHO on 11 March 2020.

A pandemic is when an infectious disease is passing easily from person to person in many parts of the world at the same time.

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About this data

The data used on this page comes from a variety of sources. It includes figures collated by Johns Hopkins University, data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, national governments and health agencies, as well as UN data on populations.

When comparing figures from different countries it is important to bear in mind that not all governments are recording coronavirus cases and deaths in the same way. This makes like for like comparisons between countries difficult.

Other factors to consider include: different population sizes, the size of a country’s elderly population or whether a particular country has a large amount of its people living in densely-populated areas. In addition, countries may be in different stages of the pandemic.



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